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This report examines some questions about the responsibility of registrants when choosing a domain name, the use of domain names similar to other means of individualization and promotion, transfer domain and others. The role of Internet domains has been derived as a significant factor in market competition, according to the regulation in art. 35 of the Protection of Competition Act.
domain name object of intellectual property protection of competition competition law competition
Big data is a term which was associated with multiple meanings in the recent years. In general, this is a technological trend of increasing importance, enveloping the gathering of data flows (mostly personal) in various formats (video, photos, text, etc.) and having diverse origin for the purpose of a more objective view on certain phenomena and improvement of the process of decision making. In the basic of the concept stands the fact that almost everything we do in our daily lives, leaves digital footprint - listening to music, shopping, working, social interaction, even driving.
data protection competition law digital economy consumers inviolability personal data protection act competition big data General Data Protection Regulation protection of competition Directive 95/46/EC European Data Protection Supervisor