Alexandra Tsvetkova
Alexandra Tsvetkova is a founder and managing director of LIBRe Foundation.
She graduated from Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (2007), as a Bachelor of Informatics and later on continued her education specializing in Electronic Business and Electronic Governance in the same university (Master’s Degree in Informatics, 2010). During 2009 she has successfully completed a special six-month European Project Management Certificate Programme.
Since 2008, Ms. Tsvetkova has been actively supporting the public sector in making strategic decisions and management of current policies in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) and development of the law as a whole at national and European level. In recent years, the practice of Ms. Tsvetkova is mainly focused on the legal aspects in the use of ICT in the work of the government and the judiciary - electronic identification, information management and privacy, e-governance, e-justice, complex administrative services and organizational development at the central level, public procurement, etc.; and a number of strategic and legislative initiatives in these areas have been implemented with her participation.
Over the years, she has been responsible for the overall management and implementation of more than 50 projects and initiatives of multidisciplinary nature, including planning, overall coordination and implementation of project activities, management of financial and time resources, team management, communication with target audiences, and accountability. As an expert, she has been primarily involved in drafting legal and organizational analyses; conducting studies of socio-economic nature; consulting on ICT legal and organizational restructuring and in drafting of legislative acts in the field of ICT and the protection of personal data; organizing of trainings and public events, incl. participating as a moderator of public events and focus groups and trainer on topics in the field of legal aspects of information technology.
Ms. Tsvetkova has gained specific experience in planning and organizing events and communication strategies. Under her auspices have been implemented training activities for more than 6250 representatives of public administration at central level, municipal and regional administrations and the judiciary (investigators, prosecutors and judges) in over 85 destinations in Bulgaria and Europe, with a total number of person-days of training attendance exceeding 13,250 days.
As a communication manager in various EU-funded research projects tackling user-generated content, smart surveillance and security, privacy and data protection and Internet Governance (e.g. CONSENT, SMART, RESPECT, EVIDENCE, MAPPING, CITYCoP, CARISMAND, etc.), Ms. Tsvetkova has gained specific experience in the development of effective communication and dissemination strategies engaging a broad set of stakeholders, creating overall projects’ identities, websites, and promotional materials, and organizing high quality international events. Her specific IT background helps her in the development of engaging communication platforms and tools.
In September 2008 she joined Law and Internet Foundation and has served as Executive Director and member of the Management Board for more than seven years, initiating and participating in making strategic decisions for the development of the organization. In this capacity, she has been responsible for the public image and the administrative and financial management of the organization, personnel management, and overall infrastructure and technical support planning; development of partner network and the range of services and activities performed by the organization. In October 2015 she resigned from this position but continued to support Law and Internet Foundation’s projects and initiatives at international level until March 2017.
Currently, she teaches ICT Law at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski as well as at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies in Sofia; and pursues a PhD in Automated Systems for Processing Information and Management.
- LinkedIn Profile
- bg.linkedin.com/in/alexandra-tsvetkova-74563b